Lent Calendar
Before we embark on Lent together, we will hand out a calendar at Church. This calendar will have daily reading references and activities that you can do during Lent.
The intention is that we will engage not just with our thoughts and words but also our actions.
Important Dates
8th of March - Shrove Tuesday
(Pancake Tuesday)
Traditionally Pancakes are eaten on this day before embarking on the season of Fasting and Lent. We thought Pancakes sound like a fantastic idea so we are going to have a breakfast at Drexel's Riccarton: 7am on the 8th of March. We need to book and there are limited numbers so you must RSVP. If you are keen email Josh: josh@cashmerenewlife.org.nz Put "Pancakes" in the subject line. Please do this by March 1st.
9th of March - Ash Wednesday. Lent begins, our daily blog begins.
22 April: Good Friday Worship - 7pm at Church.
24 April: Easter day - 10am worship at Church and 7pm Easter dinner. If you are keen for the dinner, $10 per person on door and you will need to RSVP to josh@cashmerenewlife.org.nz with "Easter Dinner" in the subject line. Please do this by April 15th.
Lent is going to be a great journey together as a Church! To really engage with it, come along to the events and check out the daily blog.
Looking forward to it...
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