Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Matthew 24:45-51


Post by Bevan Whiting

I am increasingly aware of the gravity Jesus places on community and concern for those around us. The subtly worded finale to these scriptures certainly points to this. All the subtlety of a Elton John outfit at a nuns convention.

Unfortunately, on re-reading it appears that concern for others is not the real challenge for me here.

I am concerned when I see third world images on TV, I am concerned when some kid in Mya’s class has parents that never seem to be around, I am concerned that friends have lost businesses in the recent quakes, I am particularly concerned that Don’s house is damaged and we have nowhere to watch the formula 1! We are all concerned. The real challenge lies in ‘giving food’ (vs 45).

Concern makes me feel better about my heart condition but achieves no more than a ‘sport’ label on the back of a Daihatsu Charade. To truly fulfil what Christ requires I must draw from the rich pool of resources that we have all been blessed with and feed those around me, always ready to see concern metamorphous into action. To discern the right ‘food’ to give, at the right time, to the right people.

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